Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Preparing for a Shoot

Preparing for a shoot involves more than packing your bag with your camera and lenses.  In getting ready for a double shoot weekend, I thoroughly cleaned all of my lenses before packing them away, and then made sure my lens cleaning kit with brush, q tips and microfiber cloths were re-packed in case of on the job emergencies.  Then I charged my double battery pack AND my back up battery.  Then I packed my three memory cards.  Then I put new batteries in my hotshoe flash AND packed a back up set.

My bag also includes numerous things to hold my hair back, note cards with my prep notes for the shoot, pens, lipgloss, and random pills (NSAIDS, TUMS)...everything I need to perform to the best of my abilities.

The car also holds my tripod, portable reflectors, and an umbrella as well as a blanket for clients who don't necessarily want to sit on the ground or the pavement without protection.  I've recently ordered a rain proofing bag for my unsealed camera in case of those occasional drizzles.  I have lots of other camera accessories on my wishlist but for the time being, I'm doing the best I can. :)

It's good to feel ready.  That way, 100% of my focus can be on taking the best photos I can for my clients in a confident and fun way.

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